MORON’S MORONS: High-Tension Situation.

The finest Polish band are back! New record from Moron’s Morons is ridiculous- if you’re wanting a Halloween feel 24/7, regardless of the time of year- buy this record. High-Tension Situation is the name, and it pretty much lives up to its namesake. The songs will have you on edge, but in a good way. The songs are everything you’d want from an eerie Punk band and they are unafraid to be completely and utterly mental on every single song. The songs are live a deep dive into some kind of psychotic lapse of whatever, but don’t let that put you off. The songs would be perfect in some Horror B-Movie that is made very cheap and probably quite questionable too.

The 12 songs on this record were made to creep you out in the best way possible, and they were also made to be played exceptionally loud. They’ll sure wake you up! The record only came out on Friday (24th) but it’s one of those records that you feel you’ve had in your possession for years! There’s this effortlessly weird sound on this record that makes you feel like you’re trapped in Moron’s Morons world and you don’t want to even try escape- why would you want to when it sounds like this?!

The songs are rowdy and hella fast- songs like Nightvisions you can really imagine being played live and the whole place just erupting. They’ve got this energy that makes you wish you could witness every song in a live setting. I’ve written about this band before, and I can’t tell you enough just how exceptional they are. This energy is something else. The songs are all over the place- like mania is kicking in and the band have just thought “Fuck it! Play louder! Play faster!” and what we’ve ended up with is some of their most daring work to date. They’ve got the edge of Misfits and the charisma of The Cramps, and all in between. They’re a band that are known for their fast-paced and rowdy songs, and it works. See, some may try this approach and it sounds forced but with Moron’s Morons it sounds natural.

Psychosis Diagnosis is my favourite so far, and sure the lyrics are questionable but I love that scary feeling the song gives you. The whole record makes you feel like you’re being hunted down by something or someone, like a sea-creature that has no name yet because no one knows what the hell it is. But my god these songs are something else. Is it their best work to date? Completely. I know bands try to improve with every record, but what the band have done here is stay true to their sound but also corrupt the listener in a way that previous releases led to. This is the record they were always meant to make. It’s perfect. It’s odd and it’s loud. It is perfect in every way. I think the cover of the record also sums up what to expect from the record; strange, will burst your eardrums and will blow your mind.

It may only be their second full length record, but it sounds like something a band would make 10 years in. It’s timeless and every single song needs to be witnessed live. I hope someone books them a UK tour because you just feel like they would put on a fantastic show that sticks with you for all kinds of reasons. Fueled By Hate, Free-Time Crimes and Headless Eyes all have this snarly tone to it- wonderfully obnoxious and you can’t get enough of it. Honestly, this band know exactly what they are doing and I can’t wait to hear more and more from them.

Every song on this record needs to be heard as loud as you can stand- but also make you want to push yourself to go louder. It’s one of the most fascinating records of the year, but what else would you expect from Moron’s Morons?!