


With a new record by Vaguess coming out in April, it’s only right I talk about why they’re a bloody great band in order to sway you to buy the record when it comes out. I say this like Vaguess are a band, but it’s really just Vinny and if you know of his previous musical outlets then you’ll know he is nothing short of incredible. Vaguess is another outlet of his musical experiments and just shows us why he’s a remarkable guy. This is an appreciation piece on his music, and how much I love his writing, I just love him. A lot.

 If you’re looking for the ultimate sound to laze about to, or to make you want to start your own band or just enjoy some really great music then Vaguess are the band for you (it’s pronounced Vegas in case you needed to know.) They make energetic Garage Rock sounding music that just makes you want to have a good old time. I can’t count how much music Vinny has generously unleashed into the world but be assured that the guy is a machine when it comes to putting music out. He’s everything you want your favourite singer to be, and he’s got this way of creating down to earth lyrics that just hit you in the gut. Especially if you’re looking for something to just connect with; he then delivers this with a ferocious sound that cements a strong Punk influence.



There’s this beautiful venom and disdain on Two Hands which is about someone who was shitty to Vinny and let’s be honest, if you’re going to be shitty to anyone as precious as this guy- then you’re a proper doofus. The whole of Have A Good Summer is just a delight to listen to, even the songs that will break your heart like Two Hands and Everywhere Is Assholes (a pretty great and accurate name for a song.) But the way in which he breaks your heart just makes you want to delve into what makes you tick and write about it. He’s just got this way with words that leaves you in awe, and the way he delivers it vocally is so wonderful.

 As someone who is simply, obsessed with music, hearing someone like Vinny create music like this just makes me so happy. His lyrics are clever and to the bone; he’s not afraid at all to be vulnerable with his words but he’s also an absolute monster of a musician! There’s nothing he cannot do- he’s superman. I just adore everything he does, and I am SO excited for the new record next month. I can’t wait to really listen to it, and write about it like the obsessed fan I am.

One of my favourite records by him is his One Man’s Trash EP that came out back in 2017. It’s got a really raw sound to it and the lo-fi atmosphere on it is something that is really strong on this record. It’s always there, but this one it is more prominent. I just love how you can really tell that this is love and passion, and the way he gets it across just makes you wish more were like this and you kind of wish you could do it too. But hey, no one is as great as this guy. There is something so pure and innocent about his sound, but you can imagine live shows to be the complete opposite. There’s no denying that his passion for music is probably accelerated during his shows, and it’s something I really hope I get to see one day. His music means a hell of a lot to me, and his way with words are a huge part of this admiration I have for him.

 His 2013 release, Back Off Warchild became an instant classic and is still a prime example of the kind of musician he is- it’s got the reverb and fuzzy vocals that I just love so much. I can’t get enough of his music, and every so often I’ll go back to this record and it’s just like finding his music for the first time all over again. There’s no denying just how exceptional Vinny is, and like I’ve mentioned already, I’m just so excited to hear the new record. There’s isn’t too long to wait, and I just know it’s going to be one of the best things we get this year.





So, there you have it, this is just my appreciation and admiration of Vinny and the music he creates. Keep an eye out for his new record, I reckon it’ll blow all of our minds! Guest List To Heaven will be his 7th Vaguess record, and is set to come out on 4th April

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