A number of years ago I wrote about a band called The Creeping Ivies. I think I wrote about them a hell of a lot, and they’re a band that I loved so much and I was gutted when they ended. However, Becca is back and her new band is equally as great so I’ll evidently become equally as obsessed.

Lost Angels only formed last year, and have FINALLY put out 3 brand new songs which I’ve fallen in love with. Becca has SUCH a distinctive voice, and her guitar playing is something else. Massively underrated but maybe Lost Angels will change that. In just 3 songs, they’ve created something that I cannot wait to hear more of. There’s comfort in hearing Becca’s voice again and I cannot wait to hear what else the band put out but for now- these 3 songs are what I’ll play on repeat.

The 3 track EP opens with the title track, Away We Go which is a beautiful way to get us hooked on such a great band. The EP is currently available on Bandcamp only but I think it’ll be up on Spotify etc. on the 14th so there’s no excuse for anyone to not get hold of the record in any way. The hook on Away We Go is a simple Punk-esque chant, and you cannot get enough of it. Imagine seeing the band live, and just yelling this back at them and as you leave the gig-you’re probably still yelling it.

And we get right into Midnight In The Graveyard which reminds me so much of one of the best songs ever written- I Just Wanna Have Something To Do by the Ramones; it sounds like it but there’s something beautifully creepy about this song and it’s easily my favourite. It feels like a Vincent Price film in the form of a song- perfect in every single way. I could listen to this on repeat and find more things to love about it. Obsessed? Always. It has such an eerie feel to it, and I just want to have it on repeat. I LOVE Becca’s vocals on this and in some ways, it does remind me of The Creeping Ivies and that will always be a good thing. I love the loudness on this song, but I love how the EP ends on a gentler note too.

The Only One closes the EP, and if you love Johnny Thunders- this is the one you’ll fall in love with. I love how you can pick up on the influences on this record, and it makes you feel like you’re hearing the Ramones or New York Dolls for the first time. Imagine never knowing such perfection, then it just hits you. You accidentally listen to the Ramones or NYD for the first time. Is that what sheer joy is? It’s up there. The Only One is a beautiful Punk love song, and they are the best love songs. These 3 songs are a perfect introduction to what Lost Angels are about, and they are clearly one of the best bands around from Glasgow right now. I really hope that more music comes from this and a tour too because these are the types of songs that you need to see live, right? They were made to be witnessed in sweaty dive bar.

I love this EP a hell of a lot and I love that I can hear parts of bands I love in every song. It’s a glorious EP and again, makes me wish I had even a fraction of musical talent. There’s nothing pretentious or over the top here- just beautiful Rock ‘N’ Roll from the heart and gut. I can’t wait to hear more from them because I know it’s going to be insanely brilliant and just effortlessly slick.

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